Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby Time!

Yesterday my cousins and my momma came to visit me:) My cousin Andy adopted a baby boy nine months ago and yesterday was the first time I had the pleasure of meeting him! He is the absolute sweetest and most precious little boy I've ever seen. He made me want a baby so badly. Only a few more years! Anyways, I just had to share some pictures I snapped of him:) Meet baby Thaden! 


  1. Ashley he is a beauty!!!!! Congrats to your cousins!! Always love when you stop over!!

  2. He is adorable! Those eyes...

  3. Oh so precious! Every now and then I just need a baby fix. Holding him would do that!!

    To answer your question earlier, my husband and I have been uping the protein and eating less bread, chips, cereal etc... It's not a low carb diet by any means, but we are just eating clean. I write everything down and eat small meals and snacks 6x's a day. Also running alot and hitting the gym 4 times at least a week. It's been challenging... but to finally see the pounds shed it's worth it. Having my husband on board has made all the difference.

    Thanks for asking and good luck:) If I can do it you can too!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can safely say, I'm NOT preggers, my hubby had the snip snip about 9 years ago.:)
    You are just darling and I love your blog! I'm off to read more!

  5. Oh girl, I so remember those moments of wanting a baby so bad!!! I could not wait.

    And I still want one... and I have two.... In fact, I'm posting photos of my baby niece, who I could keep forever, on Monday. I'm sure it will just further your baby cravings! LOL

    Thanks so much for visiting and the sweet words of bloggy love! You are the cutest little thing!!

