Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Place Where Plants Come To.... Live!

Our little patio garden has finally started to gain some ground. Matt has worked super hard on all these little guys. He had to plant seeds several times to get anything in some cases... I hope we get some tomatoes and peppers sometime soon!
The begonias are coming along beautifully:)
The plants in the upsy-downsy haven't died.... 
The tiny basil plant is the only survivor of the herbs so far...
Gardening is apparently a lot harder than one might think!
Good job Matt:)


  1. Matt, look at your little sprouts! Grandpa would be proud. I especially love the beautiful red begonias. I miss you guys. I hope you have a quiet and relaxing weekend. Love Mom

  2. Awwww they look great! Good Job Matt! My husband is the gardener/farmer/chicken wrangler of the family - I chase kids and cook what he brings in the house... it works.

    I love your new kitty - looks like Oliver doesn't mind him either :)

    Happy Summer Days, The Lady of the House
