Monday, October 5, 2009

Movie Night Success!

I just love lazy Sundays, don't you? Yesterday we took the lazy part to new extremes. We literally did nothing but lounge around all day. I had like three apple donuts and way too much white hot chocolate:) I didn't do a single dish or pick up anything around the house and I'm paying for that decision today, but it was totally worth it! Matt watched football and I snuggled next to him with my laptop to look at blogs and then did a bit of knitting. It was very chilly yesterday and we each had on our favorite sweats and socks and quilts. We took a very long, wonderful afternoon nap. On Sunday nights we usually put on a movie. I'd say 50% of the time we get only a short way into a lame rental and end up talking or reading instead. I didn't think last night would be any exception because the movie Matt picked looked rather dumb. I am a big fan of all three main actors so I kept an open mind though. After a hot shower we curled up under the covers with our hot drinks (tea for Matt and hot cider for me) and turned on our Sunday flick. I was very, very pleasantly surprised. We watched The Brothers Bloom and it was just delightful. It was witty, clever and heart-warming! I laughed and cried and just loved it. It was one of the best movies I've seen in a while. I love Adrien Brody and Rachel Weisz and they were fantastic in this. It was quite similar to Wes Anderson's films. If you like any of his work you'll probably love this too. I think I might buy the soundtrack. Anyways, I just wanted to share with you all! Happy Monday:)


  1. You guys are too cute! Sounds like a perfect day. I'm so glad you got to enjoy it. I'm definitely going to check that movie out. I love you both. Mom

  2. I love lazy weekends! I am rather good at bumming aroung if I don't say so myself!
